Friday, May 7, 2010

tag from OHJOLLY! weee XD

dari stermarlia Ohjolly!weee :)

Apa yang anda akan buat bila anda tahu member anda tikam belakang anda?
What will u do if u know that your friend has been back stab on u ?
:tikam dia dgn pisau dari depan!

6 orang di hati anda?
6 people in your heart?
:god,mom,dad,brother,her,good friends

Anda rasa anda comel?
Do u think u're cute?
:haha! ntah la..ko rasa?

Single or taken?
:err..dua dua.

Blog yang anda suka?
Blog that u like?
:bykkk dohh!

adakah bilik anda kemas setiap hari?
Do u clean your room everyday?
:mestilah kemas!

Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
The last song u listening?
:I See Stars - 3D

Last text message?
:from Edot :)

Last phone call?
:from Ian, pok! men futsal! ku jawab,OK,janji isik minyak keta ku! hehe

Hari terakhir anda menangis?
Last day u cried?
:lupak daaa..

List lima color favorite anda?
List down 5 of your favorite colours?

Orang terakhir anda ber-YM?
The last people chat with u in YM?
:YM ku sunyi,tapi skype ada calling yukk!

Game paling anda suka?
Your favorite game?

Adakah anda peminat MCR?
Are u a fan of MCR?
:dulu-dulu time form 5 minat!ehehe.

Apa perasaan anda jawab tag ni?
What do u feel when u answering this tag?
:ok,besa jak, nak tido pas ni. :D

Anda rasa tag ini best?
Do u think this tag interesting?

Tag lagi 10 orang
tag 10 other people
:yeahh..kalo muka tak malu, tag diri sendiri la erk??haha.just kidding.
tag la kalo berani! chaiyok2! XD

0 rasa tidak puas hati:

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